Introducing Green15®

In 2023, the alcoholic beverage "Green15 Original" was developed in the Netherlands. The challenge was to create a unique taste and aroma sensation with much less alcohol than standard gin, vodka, etc. Additionally, there was an intention to introduce more sustainability into the alcoholic beverage sector through the use of more eco-friendly bottles and labels.

The Green15 released in 2023 is now named as the Original. In 2024 three new flavors were developed, Golden Moments, Marmalade and Pacha, and added to the lineup. All four flavors contain 14.9% alc/vol and all four are made from 15 natural ingredients. The alcoholic spirit that is used is a handcrafted premium Dutch dry gin.

In April 2024, Green15 Original was already awarded a Silver Medal at the London Spirits Competition. This is a significant recognition for such a young brand among the major global brands and their various beverages.

Moreover, in several blind tastings, Green15 was found to be more enjoyable than many world-renowned gins, with even non-gin drinkers appreciating Green15—pure or “on the rocks”—as a pleasant drink without a heavy alcoholic experience. Moreover, many wine drinkers have also discovered Green15: mixed with lemonade, the alcohol content per glass is about a third of that of a glass of wine, yet with so much flavor!

Green15 is in full development!

New Green15 variants will be introduced in 2024. For that, check the PRODUCTS page and stay informed via Social Media and/or subscribe to our newsletter.

Want to know where you can buy Green15 products? Then click here. And if you have a shop or catering business where you would like to sell Green15 products, send an email or register HERE.

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