Highball Green15 & Tonic Fever-Tree

Highball Green15 & Tonic Fever-Tree


This tonic water contains the perfect blend of herbal essential oils that Fever-Tree's makers found around the Mediterranean with top-quality quinine from the 'fever trees' or 'fever trees' in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The result: mixed with Green15, this highball gives all the flavour sensations of Green15 perfext mixed with this sophisticated, floral tonic.

Fever-Tree's Mediterranean Tonic uses less quinine than other tonics. Combined with the added rosemary and lemon thyme, this results in a much lighter but more fragrant tonic that pairs perfectly with Green15 when you want a refined and floral flavour.

The lemon thyme from the rocky hills of Provence in southern France benefits from the warm air flowing inland from the Mediterranean. In addition, the ingredients are: carbonated spring water, lemon oils from Sicily, geranium, rosemary, sugar, food acid (citric acid), natural flavourings contains quinine.

Refer to the product packaging on the Fever-Tree package for the latest nutritional values.


  1. Fill your glass completely with ice.
  2. Mix 1/3rd Green15, 2/3rd Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water.
  3. Add rosemary and lemon zest to taste to enhance the citrus aroma

For more information on this Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic, visit the official webpage:


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