Highball Green15 Paloma

Highball Green15 Paloma

Fever-Tree Sparkling Pink Grapefruit:

Hand-picked pink and red grapefruit natural origins from Alicante, near the Mediterranean, give an explosion of sweet and sour and delicious bitterness. The pink grapefruit rounds it off with a smooth aftertaste. The perfect amounts of carbonation and juice provide the ideal base to experience Green15 in a refreshing way with a wide palette of scents and flavours.


  1. Fill your glass completely with ice.
  2. Mix 1/3rd part Green15 with 2/3rd part Fever-Tree Sparkling Pink Grapefruit
  3. A slice of grapefruit to finish.

For more information on this Fever-Tree Sparkling Pink Grapefruit, visit the official webpage:


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